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Marriage Unchained: From True Love to Financial Shackles


The majority of men still aspire to marry, but the institution of marriage no longer appeals to their desires as it once did. Historically, marriage was centered on love and desire, where men chose women based on the feminine principles of submission, support, sex, and stability. In marriages with women who exhibited these principles, men were able to maintain their masculinity without fear of losing their self-worth and value. Men did not worry about women leaving them in divorce, nor did they often ponder the idea of women being with them for the wrong reasons. Love and desire were at the core of what we once knew as marriage.

However, somewhere along the way, marriage began to take on a capitalistic perspective. It shifted from being an institution based on pure love and desire to one centered on economic reasoning. Marriage is no longer an extension of love between two individuals, but rather an extension of a business deal between two partners. Cohabitation and partnership are now predicated on economic reasons, with financial necessities being the basis for staying together. This represents imprisonment at its finest. Men worldwide, especially in Western society, find themselves imprisoned by their own decisions predicated on financial reasoning and a lack of self-worth due to this pervasive vice of capitalism.

Being a man should never compel you to risk your freedom by being tied to an individual due to what is better known as commodity fetishism. You should never reduce yourself to a state of nothingness and lack of self-worth just to be married to a woman for survival. You should never allow the capitalistic view of this Western culture to push economic desires to the forefront of your decisions. Instead, embrace masculinity and focus your energy and desire on being who you set out to be. Daily, improve yourself and walk in your purpose. This will free you both in mind and body to acquire your life's desires and wishes without feeling bound to anything that restricts or confines you. This approach will help you find a lover, not just any woman to marry and commit to for the long haul. Your decisions will be guided by your masculine and free-thinking nature, as opposed to being driven by economic processes and survival mode.

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